Advice & Ideas,  Wedding Traditions

Wedding Rings and Engagement Rings: 101

You’ve probably heard of the three rings involved in a marriage; the engagement ring, the wedding ring and the suffering… just kidding…or was it childbearing?!?  Jokes apart it’s hard to distinguish which of the two rings are more significant as they both have equal importance. So here is everything you need to know about Wedding Rings and Engagement Rings and why it’s so important to include these traditions.

Fun Fact: The Egyptians were the first to come up with the concept of weddings rings and they used to exchange braided reeds and hemp as wedding rings.

Right way to wear wedding rings and engagement rings

wedding ring and engagement ring worn together on the left hand ring finger
Engagement & Wedding ring worn together

The wedding ring and engagement ring are traditionally worn on the left hand, on the fourth finger which is commonly known as ‘The Ring finger’. This finger is believed to have a vein that runs straight to the heart; Hence the wedding ring is placed on the straight path to love. However in some cultures the engagement ring is worn on the right hand. The rings can be worn together but the wedding band ideally should never leave the finger.

What do wedding rings signify?

Beautiful Diamond engagement ring
Beautiful Diamond engagement ring

Its ancient belief that the more expensive the ring the more love was being shown in the proposal. Thereafter it went on to be believed that the value of the ring was an indication of the net worth of the giver. Subsequently rings got more expensive and flashy using precious stones and metals like gold and even platinum.

gold wedding rings
Gold Wedding Rings

The wedding ring signifies a loop of infinite love with no beginning and no end. This sounds super romantic doesn’t it? Well it’s meant to be!  In our opinion an exchange of wedding rings, signifies hope and trust of an everlasting promise of love that you share with your life partner.

Why it’s so important to propose with an engagement ring?

Traditional wedding proposal engagement photo
Traditional wedding proposal

A wedding ring may seem essential, but why propose with an engagement ring you ask? Well you maybe in the longest relationship with your childhood sweetheart or you just mutually decided to elope, either way, you can’t take a yes for granted. As a man you have to go down on one knee and ask a girl for her hand in marriage. By doing so, you set the tone for the relationship ahead. You also show the person you propose to just how serious you are. Let’s face it, us girls are definitely going to expect it.

Beyonce If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it
As Beyonce says
“If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it”

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